Globe Valves

Cl 150, 300, 600 Lb Cast Steel Globe Valves

Cast Steel Bolted Bonnet Globe Valves
Cl 150, 300, 600 Lb

Structure of Cl 150, 300, 600 Lb Cast Steel Globe Valves

No. Parts Materials
1 Body ASTM A216 GR.WCB
2 Seat Ring ASTM A105 + Stellite Faced
3 Disc ASTM A105 + 13Cr Faced
4 Disc Thrust Plate ASTM A276 Type 420
5 Disc Nut ASTM A276 Type 410
6 Stem ASTM A182 GR.F6
7 Bonnet Bolt Nuts ASTM A194 GR.2H
8 Bonnet Bolts ASTM A193 GR.B7
9 Gasket Soft Iron + Graphite
10 Backseat Bushing ASTM A276 Type 410
11 Stem Packing Braided Graphite & Die formed Graphite Ring
12 Bonnet ASTM A216 GR.WCB
13 Eyebolt Pins Carbon Steel
14 Gland ASTM A276 Type 410
15 Gland Flange ASTM A216 GR.WCB
16 Gland Eye Bolts ASTM A307 GR.B
17 Eyebolt Nuts ASTM A194 GR.2H
18 Yoke Bush ASTM A439 GR.D-2
19 Screw Carbon Steel
20 Hand Wheel Ductile Iron
21 Hand Wheel Nut ASTM A194 GR.2H
22 Washer Carbon Steel
23 Yoke ASTM A216 GR.WCB
24 Yoke Pan Bolt Nuts ASTM A194 GR.2H
25 Yoke Pan Bolt ASTM A193 GR.B7
26 Bearing Steel
27 Lantern Ring On Request ASTM A276 Type 410

ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Dimensions and Weights

ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Dimensions and Weights
in 2 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16
mm 51 64 76 102 127 152 203 254 305 337 387
in 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.50 14.00 16.00 19.50 24.50 27.50 31.00 36.00
mm 203 216 241 292 356 406 495 622 698 787 914
in 8.50 9.00 10.00 12.00 14.50 16.50 20.00 25.00 28.00 31.50 36.50
mm 216 229 254 305 368 419 508 635 711 800 927
in 13.43 14.45 14.76 19.02 21.14 20.35 23.23 29.69 37.05 42.72 38.03
mm 341 367 375 483 537 517 590 754 941 1085 966
W in 7.87 9.84 9.84 11.81 11.81 13.78 15.75 17.72 25.20 25.20 18.11
mm 200 250 250 300 300 350 400 450 640 640 460
BF 22 29 42 64 77 105 154 288 507 617 810
BW 19 25 34 49 65 82 131 249 430 580 763

ASME Pressure Class 300 Lb-Dimensions and Weight

Lantern Ring on Request
Dimensions and Weights: Bearing for 14" & Larger
in 2 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
mm 51 64 76 102 127 152 203 254 305
in 10.50 11.50 12.50 14.00 15.75 17.50 22.00 24.50 28.00
mm 267 292 318 356 400 444 559 622 711
in 11.12 12.12 13.12 14.62 16.37 18.12 22.62 25.12 28.62
mm 283 308 333 371 416 460 575 638 727
in 13.74 14.80 16.93 19.13 22.05 24.33 36.89 37.36 39.17
mm 349 376 430 486 560 618 937 949 995
W in 7.87 9.84 9.84 13.78 15.75 17.72 2.05 25.20 18.11
mm 200 250 250 350 400 450 560 640 460
BF 31 43 57 86 130 168 280 385 724
BW 26 38 44 68 110 138 228 329 618

ASME Pressure Class 600 Lb-Dimensions and Weights

ASME Pressure Class 600 Lb:Lantern Ring on Request
Dimensions and Weights: Bearing for 10" & Larger
in 2 2-1/2 3 4 6 8 10 12
mm 51 64 76 102 152 200 248 298
in 11.50 13.00 14.00 17.00 22.00 26.00 31.00 33.00
mm 292 330 356 432 559 660 787 838
in 11.62 13.12 14.12 17.12 22.12 26.12 31.12 33.12
mm 295 333 359 435 562 664 791 841
in 16.73 19.76 20.51 24.41 34.88 36.69 40.94 50.39
mm 425 502 521 620 886 932 1040 1280
W in 9.84 11.81 13.78 17.72 22.05 18.11 24.02 29.92
mm 250 300 350 450 560 460 610 760
BF 39 58 73 120 327 482 700 900
BW 33 48 61 95 261 385 588 795


Outside Screw and Yoke (OS & Y), Rising Stem
Bolted Bonnet
Conic Disc
Extended Bonnet for Cryogenic Services
IMPact hand wheel optional
Gear Optional


Design: ASME B16.34/BS 1873
Face to Face: ASME B16.10
End to End: ASME B16.10
End Flange: ASME B16.5
BW End: ASME B16.25
Test: API 598
Special: NACE MR-01-75

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